FOR COMPANIES 2019-02-28T19:32:02+00:00

Why work with us?

Frequently Asked Questions

If you also had these questions, you can now find the answer. If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

We are not selling pret-a-porter HR products, but offering support, consultancy and tailor-made solutions for human capital management. Our clients can rely on our 22 years of expertise and, even more, on our partnership spirit in approaching their needs. Our approach is based on project management principles, as we establish clear deliverables, firm deadlines and measurable results.

Let us build your dream team! We know you’re looking for top-class talent and expertise! Whether you need a seasoned professional or a bright-eyed graduate/student, trust us to deliver the right people to the right places. With a record of more than 10.000 hiring’s, we recruit in the most sought-after areas, particularly BPO, Banking & Finance, IT & C, Telecommunications, Engineering, Retail. We supply fast and innovative recruitment solutions, smoothing the process for you through our own web platform We understand each customer’s business and bring in an army of resources to meet your most complex staffing needs. Because you want to be one step ahead of your competitors.

The APT recruitment team consists of experts in Recruitment and Psychology, with an average level of experience in recruitment activity over 5 years, recruiting a wide range of positions (services, sales, customer service – back office and front office activities) from various industries: Telecom, BPO, Pharmaceuticals, Production, IT, Call-Center, Finance-Banking.

During the recruitment project, APT will allocate a dedicated consultant. He will be responsible for the end of the recruitment process, starting with the identification stage and ending with the benchmarking step (if necessary).

The APT temporary staffing team consists of specialists which will help you with the entire process of hiring your future colleagues. The main tasks are preparing and presenting the job offers for the selected candidates, preparing and registering the employment file that includes all the documents necessary for employment, the control of the occupational medicine after the recruitment through a specialized clinic and the completion of the training courses in the field of health and occupational security after recruitment (general).

We will also provide services as part of the employee’s activity in the company: preparation of all necessary documents for modification / termination of employment contracts and their registration in the electronic register, maintenance of documents from the employees’ records, generation and transmission to the competent authorities the necessary documents, the preparation of all the documents requested by the employees (certificates) and the preparation of the reports according to the parameters of interest to the client.

Contact us

If you want to know more about the services we provide, do not hesitate to contact us.